Saturday, March 8, 2014


a glimpse into the kitchen of the 2014 Sochi Olympics
With the Sochi winter Olympics feeling like a distant memory we want to bring you back the kitchen of the USA team. Here John Crisafulli (president of Behind the Scenes Catering Events) has been in search for the finest ingredients to use in Sochi Russia for the 2014 winter Olympic season. Since 2000,Crisafulli has been in charge of sourcing the food he uses to feed 3,000 hungry United States and Canadian media and athletic members for all the Olympic games. It is Crisafulli’s goal to source the food he prepares locally but with Sochi being such a small town it was difficult to source that amount of volume in one area.
Instead Crisafulli decided to search for quality ingredients a little closer to home, which lead him to Veronica Foods. Gourmet Oil & Vinegar’s supplier, Veronica Foods, specializes in Ultra Premium Olive Oil, he decided to source a great deal of products directly from Veronica Foods.

“The oils are one of the biggest hits in the commissary” Crisafulli said. “It’s our first time with infused vinegars and the people have raved about them. People are trying to eat healthier and organic, and since we have fresh fruits and vegetables, it’s a great compliment.”
In the end he sent over 46 shipping containers that included 30 varieties from Veronica Foods to Sochi for the 2014 Olympic season.

“He is very serious about quality,” Leah Bradley of Veronica Foods explained. “It’s an honor to have been selected.”

And we are honored to bring you the same products right her to St Louis Park, MN. Now we can all eat like an Olympian.

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